ACF Appeal Government’s Decision on Toondah Harbour Documents

By Madeleine Riddell

The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) announced that the group are launching an appeal campaign, opposing the government’s decision to construct buildings in the internationally protected Toondah Harbour wetlands.

Members of the ACF say that a request for access to information, specifically the discussions surrounding a decision to construct apartments in the area, was denied. The group hopes appealing this decision will shed some light on the situation in the wetlands.

James Trezise, a policy analyst for the Australian Conservation Foundation, gave insight into the importance of how the construction group, Walker Corporation, and their proposal to construct apartments in the wetlands are of public interest.

“This Wetland is meant to be protected under our International Environment Law…” Trezise said, “What we’re now seeking is access to information in these early days [of the discussion] of what exactly the interactions were between the proponent, Walker Corporation, and the Government.”

Environmental groups like the ACF are in opposition of the construction, due to the impact it will have on a large number of endangered migratory birds, including the Eastern Curlew, as well as a population of around 14 thousand Dugongs.

A date has not yet been set for the tribunal, but COVID-19 is expected to delay the proceedings.

View the video above for more information.